A lecture by Waugh scholar Rebecca Moore has been announced by London booksellers Maggs Brothers. This will take place in their 48 Bedford Square premises on Tuesday, 25 July at 630-8pm. The store, in new premises, is also sponsoring an exhibit of Waugh’s artistic production. See earlier post. Here are the details of the lecture
“Image and Text in “The Balance”: New discoveries in Waugh’s first published fiction”
Rebecca Moore, PhD student working on the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project at the University of Leicester, presents an exciting discovery from the Waugh archive held at the Harry Ransom Center in Texas.
Join us for an evening at Maggs’ new premises to hear about Rebecca Moore’s recent research. There will also be a short reception following the talk and an opportunity to view the exhibition, “E. W. Pinxit: The Graphic Art of Evelyn Waugh”, after hours.
There is no admission charge but registration is available here.
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