The Zagreb-based publisher Mozaik Knjiga has issued a Croatian translation of Waugh’s novel A Handful of Dust. The Croatian title is Pregršt prašine and the translator is Petra Mrduljaš. The book is reviewed in the weekly Croatian national news magazine Nacional and the provincial newspaper Glas Istre (Voice of Istria) which describe it as “a masterpiece of sophisticated satire”. The review continues:
The novel “A Handful of Dust” focuses on the beautiful Lady Brenda, who begins to get bored in her husband’s castle after seven years of marriage, and embarks on a love affair with a vain charlatan (“hohstapler”) with whom she has a completely different life, full of fun and personal tragedies.
According to the publisher’s description:
“A handful of dust masterfully blends tragedy, comedy and ruthless irony and evokes the irresponsible atmosphere of a ‘frantic and sterile generation between the two world wars,'”
This makes the sixth of Waugh’s novels available in Croatian. In addition to the three novels in the Sword of Honour trilogy (Počasni mač), Croatian versions of the The Loved One (Voljeni pokojnik) and Brideshead Revisited (Povratak u Brideshead) have already been published.