Podcasts relating to books by two Waughs have recently been posted.
–The first is on the Bowie Book Club website. This is loosely related to singer-songwriter David Bowie’s list of 100 favorite books that included Waugh’s Vile Bodies. That is the subject of this 26 July 2021 podcast. This information about the podcast has been posted on the website:
Welcome to another episode of the Bowie Book Club, where wild speculation and grasping for straws about Bowie’s favorite books has reigned supreme since 2016. This time we read Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh, a careening comic novel of doomed romance, never ending parties, and rotating gossip columnists. […]
His first novel, Decline and Fall
The movie version: Bright Young Things
Here’s the link.
–The recent book by Waugh’s grand daughter Daisy Waugh Phone for the Fish Knives is also discussed on a Tessa Williams podcast. Here’s the link to that one for which we thank our reader David Lull.