New Waugh Photos Posted

Duncan McLaren has posted three newly-available photos of Evelyn Waugh. These were taken, probably in 1926, by one of his senior students at Aston Clinton School whom he had befriended. The photographer’s name was Patrick Grinling, and he is mentioned in Waugh’s Diaries (p. 255). The photos are of a piece with the well-known photo of Waugh on a motorcycle that appears in some of the biographies and is reproduced on the cover of Paula Byrnes’ 2009 book Mad World. That photo can also now be attributed to Grinling whereas it previously was sourced from the “Waugh Archives.” Duncan also provides an ample and enjoyable background description about the source of the photos and how they fit into Waugh’s then life as a schoolmaster. The text and photos are available at this link. Thanks once again to Duncan for sharing this new discovery with us.

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