The reviewer for the Daily Telegraph (Miranda Seymour) has joined those for the Daily Mail and Independent in praising Duncan McLaren’s new biographical approach to Evelyn Waugh’s early life. See earlier post. According to Seymour:
McLaren … offers us two scoops. Exposing the shadowy but charismatic figure of John Heygate to the light, he shows how attractive this flawed and fascinating individual appeared, not only to She-Evelyn, but to Waugh himself. More crucially, McLaren creates an absorbing portrait of the captivating and influential figure of Alastair Graham, at whose elegant Warwickshire home, Barford House, Waugh stayed on no fewer than 21 occasions.
She goes on to summarize McLaren’s work as an “alert, comic and original approach to the frequently overearnest world of critical studies in Eng Lit.”