As if Written by Cicero

Gabriele Nicolo writing in today’s il Domani d’Italia offers Italian observations on the 50th Anniversary of Waugh’s death. Among the points made in the article are the following:

–If Waugh had written in Latin, his work could have been passed off as that of Cicero.

Brideshead Revisited is unanimously deemed to be Waugh’s masterpiece.

–The irony in Waugh’s books echoes that of Horace, running through them like a raging torrent.

–In Scoop, Waugh pillories the world of journalism in which powerful publishers are desperate for stories without regard to whether they are true or not.

–Waugh’s novel Helena is unique among his works; a mastery of historic fact is woven into a story reflecting both a vivid imagination and humor; it is one of the English writer’s most intelligent and ironic literary works.

The foregoing is an approximate translation and summary based on Google Translate with no knowledge of Italian on the part of your correspondent. Any readers possessing a knowledge of Italian and wishing to improve or correct it are invited to comments.

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