BBC Radio 4 has posted schedules for next week in which two Waugh radio programs will be rebroadcast. The first is the 7 episode series of Sword of Honour from 2013. This was dramatized by Jeremy Front, whose adaptation won the Best Dramatisation Award in 2014 from the Drama Audio Awards. Episode 1 will be transmitted on BBC 4 Radio Extra in its Classic Serial series beginning on Monday, 11 April at 1000 (repeating at 1500 and 0300). Episode 2 will appear on Tuesday 12 April at the same times. They will be posted on BBC iPlayer shortly after broadcast and may be monitored without geographic restriction. Schedules for subsequent episodes have not yet been announced. BBC last year broadcast Front’s adaptation of Waugh’s novel Decline and Fall.
The other program is an audio rebroadcast of Waugh’s 1960 Face To Face TV interview by John Freeman. This will appear 12 April on BBC Radio 4 Extra at 0630, 1330, 2030 and 0130 on and will be on iPlayer shortly after the first broadcast.