The Dorset Echo carries a story about a newly announced feature of the Bridport From Page to Screen film festival this weekend. See previous posts. This will relate to:
…Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One on Sunday 3rd. His grandson Alexander Waugh will be a special guest and he is bringing his private collection of memorabilia from his Grandfather’s collection, including the original posters and photographs from the film in the 1960’s. This will all be available to look through during the Film Buffs Brunch at 1pm on Sunday 3rd. Alexander Waugh will also be speaking to director Charles Sturridge about his grandfather’s love of film and Charles will be reflecting on his experiences of adapting Waugh’s work to film when he directed the famous version of Brideshead Revisited starring Jeremy Irons in the 1980 and Lawrence Olivier in the 1980’s.
In the same article, Ines Cavill writes:
I’m really looking forward to the talk after the screening [ The Loved One, Sunday 3rd, 2pm] when Charles will be in conversation with Evelyn Waugh’s grandson and family biographer, Alexander. It’s a rare opportunity to hear the inside story of adapting for screen the works of one of Britain’s greatest novelists.