The Oxford University Press on its website has announced the publication of the first volumes in the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project. There are five books in this initial batch which will begin to appear on 7 September 2017 with Rossetti: His Life and Work, Waugh’s first book and Volume. 16 of the CWW series. On 14 September 2017 four more volumes will be published. Here are the details from the OUP website:
Vol 16 Rossetti: His Life and Work, edited by Michael G. Brennan (7 Sept; includes a detailed biographical appendix with information about all of the paintings and other works of art referred to in Waugh’s biography as well as critical notes allowing readers to track the development of the book through drafts from manuscript stage to publication and beyond) £85.00
Volume 2 Vile Bodies, edited by Martin Stannard (14 Sept; includes previously unpublished material and critical notes allowing readers to track the development of the book through drafts from manuscript stage to publication and beyond as well as illustrations of manuscript, cover, and other artwork by Waugh from this period) £65.00
Volume 19 A Little Learning, edited by John Howard Wilson and Barbara Cooke (14 Sept; includes all interviews of Waugh and all known fragments of A Little Hope which was to have been the sequel to this book as well as critical notes allowing readers to track the development of the book through drafts from manuscript stage to publication and beyond) £65.00
Volume 26 Essays, Articles and Reviews 1922-34, edited by Donat Gallagher (14 Sept) £100.00
Volume 30 Personal Writings 1903-1921: Precious Waughs, edited by Alexander Waugh, and Alan Bell (Sept 14; includes many of Waugh’s early letters and diary entries published for the first time) £65.00
All volumes are critical editions and will include introductions and full contextual notes, introducing the reader to the literary, social, and biographical context of each book. Where appropriate relevant illustrations and photographs will also be included.
According to, US publication dates are 14 November 2017 for all volumes except A Little Learning which will be November 21. For details of US publication, see subsequent post. The books are available from which lists 1 September 2017 as the UK publication for all volumes.