The University of Chicago’s school of continuing education has announced an 8-week course relating to the travel writing of Evelyn Waugh. This will be a weekly session of lectures each Wednesday in January-February. The lecturer is educator and literary critic Bruce Gans. Here is a description:
It is unlikely there has ever been a more original, beautifully written and complex set of travel writings than those composed by Evelyn Waugh. Here are travel writings closer to Gulliver’s Travels than charming anecdotes in romantic settings. Here Waugh intentionally selects Third World countries avoided by travel agencies. His accounts report these physical landscapes and their mirror images of inner landscapes of black humor, absurdity, misanthropy, snobbery, unhinged logic and alcoholism culminating on a three month expedition down the Amazon where he endures serious injury and tropical disease. Dazzling stuff.
The course is available online. Details may be viewed at this link.