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Tag Archives: Newsmax
Memorial Day Roundup
–The Atlantic Monthly has reposted its issue for September 1956. This contains Waugh’s article entitled “Max Beerbohm: A Lesson in Manners”. This was a reprint of the article that had earlier appeared in the Sunday Times. It was a memorial … Continue reading
Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Oxford, Radio Programs, Scoop, Television
Tagged BBC, Gavin Millar, Newsmax, Oxford Mail, Penguin Books, The Atlantic Monthly, The Times
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Waugh’s Advice Quoted in Middle East Conflict
Conservative internet news site Newsmax carries an article (“Russia’s Presence a Bad Sign for Israel”) in which it considers the impact on Israel of Russia’s active entry into the civil war in Syria. Their correspondent, Herbert London, cites Evelyn Waugh … Continue reading
Posted in Robbery Under Law
Tagged Civil War in Syria, Israel, Newsmax, Russia
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