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Tag Archives: Taitu Hotel
Scoop Hotel in Addis Reopens
The South China Morning Post has a feature length article about the reopening of the Taitu Hotel in Addis Ababa. This is written by Ian Gill who made a recent visit. His story opens with this: The ghost of William … Continue reading
Posted in Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Newspapers, Scoop, Waugh in Abyssinia
Tagged Addis Ababa, Ian Gill, South China Morning Post, Taitu Hotel
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Guardian Announces Reopening of Scoop Venue
A recent Guardian article about Ethiopian jazz includes the announcement that the Taitu Hotel in Addis Ababa, described by Waugh in his writings as the favored venue of the press corps and damaged by fire last year, will reopen later this year: A … Continue reading
Posted in Newspapers, Scoop, Waugh in Abyssinia
Tagged Addis Ababa, Guardian, Taitu Hotel
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