Episode 3 of the 1987 BBC Arena “Waugh Trilogy” is now posted on YouTube. This is entitled “An Englishman’s Home.” With this posting, all three episodes are now available. See earlier posts. Like the previous ones, this episode is also  of a high quality for both video and audio replay. In addition to more interviews of those who appeared in earlier episodes (such as Anthony Powell and Diana Mosley), there are interviews of several of Waugh’s children (Auberon, Margaret, Harriet and Septimus). Two servants in the Piers Court household also appear (Vera Grover and Jean Gabb) as well a passenger (Gwendoline Sparks) on the ship where Waugh suffered his attack which was fictionalized in The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Frances Donaldson, who wrote Portrait of a Country Neighbor, also appears as does Fr Philip Caraman, SJ. There are, in addition, extensive clips of Waugh’s two BBC TV interviews from the early 1960s. Many thanks to John Salisbury for posting these documentaries. Â
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