In an interview for a recent issue of The Sunday Times, wine expert and author Hugh Johnson mentions commissioning articles by Evelyn Waugh on the subject of wine. This appears in the introduction to the interview by Andrew Lynch:
In 1963, Johnson succeeded André Simon, the French wine connoisseur and writer, as general secretary of Simon’s Wine & Food Society, persuading the cookery writer Elizabeth David and the author Evelyn Waugh to write for the society’s quarterly magazine.
According to the Bibliography of Evelyn Waugh (1986), the only fruit of this commission was Waugh’s 1964 article on champagne “Fizz, Bubbly, Pop” which first appeared in the Autumn 1964 issue (No. 123) of Wine and Food. This was later reprinted in Vogue (New York), September 1965 and in Essays, Articles and Reviews, p. 635. See earlier post.