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Tag Archives: Hoover Institution
Roundup: Waugh’s Highclere Moments
—Tatler magazine has a story about Lady Carnarvon, resident of the country house that has been the setting for the TV series and films of Downton Abbey. Another of these is being produced. Here are the opening paragraphs of the … Continue reading
Posted in A Handful of Dust, Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Radio Programs, Sword of Honour
Tagged BBC, Daily Mail, Hoover Institution, Journal of European Studies, Tatler
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Conservative Think Tank Recommends Waugh Trilogy
The Hoover Institution of Stanford University has added Waugh’s Sword of Honour trilogy to its Classics of Military History. This is a recommended reading list posted on the Hoover’s internet site. The explanation for inclusion of Waugh’s war novels is … Continue reading