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Tag Archives: James J O’Meara
Ethiopia Explicated: Waugh and Wakanda
In an article posted on the news website Taki’s Magazine, journalist and blogger Steve Sailer offers what seems a good summary history of Ethiopia. Perhaps central to his explanation of why an ancient Christian civilization and monarchy survived in the … Continue reading
Posted in Black Mischief, Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers, Remote People, Scoop, Waugh in Abyssinia, When the Going Was Good
Tagged "Wakanda", Adam Nebbs, Counter-Currents.com, Ethiopia, James J O'Meara, South China Morning Post, Steve Sailer, Taki's Magazine
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Three Views of Brideshead
Blogger-philosophers seem to be spending the winter months reading and thinking about the religious implications of Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited. On the conservative weblog counter-currents.com, there is a two-part review of a book first published in 1947 by theologian Alan … Continue reading