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Tag Archives: Pansy Lamb
Floreat Brideshead
Brideshead Revisited receives attention in several recent postings. The New Statesman carries a brief article in its “TV and Radio” column in which a viewer retrospectively considers the 1981 TV adaptation: Watching it now, at the terrifying age of 53, … Continue reading
Posted in Adaptations, Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, Edmund Campion, Newspapers, Put Out More Flags, Television
Tagged Bonhams, New Statesman, Pansy Lamb
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Harry Mount on Brideshead Revisited
The Catholic Herald has marked the 50th anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s death with a feature article by journalist and author Harry Mount on Brideshead Revisited. Mount begins with an assessment of the novel: Fifty years after his death on April … Continue reading
Posted in A Handful of Dust, Adaptations, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Scoop, Television
Tagged Catholic Herald, Harry mount, Pansy Lamb