Tag Archives: Tatler

Tatler Reopens U/Non-U Debate

A recent feature article in Tatler magazine reopens the ever popular discussion of English social class markers usually referred to as the U/Non-U debate originally sparked by an article by Nancy Mitford. This latest discussion is by Matthew Bell. Here … Continue reading

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Ryder, the Father Figure

A literary weblog called BookerTalk has posted an article naming the 10 most loved or unloved fathers in literature. This is in observance of Father’s Day this weekend. One of those named in the unloved category is the father of Charles Ryder … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Ryder, the Father Figure

Waugh in Happy Valley

A recent story in the Tatler recounts the present day difficulties of the British aristocrats and their descendants who settled in that country’s area known as Happy Valley during the days of the Empire. The story centers on three members of … Continue reading

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Tatler’s List of Snobs

The Tatler magazine has published a list of the great snobs of history. This is written by Sophia Money-Coutts and author-critic D J Taylor.  Taylor has recently written a book on this subject (The New Book of Snobs) and the … Continue reading

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