Category Archives: Alexander Waugh

Queen Victoria @ 200

On Queen Victoria’s 200th birthday we should recall that Evelyn Waugh was a keen admirer of all things Victorian, if not necessarily the Queen herself. He wrote several articles dedicated to Victoriana at a time when it was not a … Continue reading

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Estate of Waugh

In this week’s New Statesman, lead book reviewer Leo Robson expands his horizons to consider the question of how literary estates have affected literary history. There are four books listed as the subject of the review, but these are barely … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Alexander Waugh, Biographies, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Waugh Lecture at Lancing

The Lancing College website has posted a report of last month’s Evelyn Waugh Lecture. This year’s speaker was OL Sir Tim Rice (1958-62) who recalled how events at Lancing had helped shape his career as a lyricist: Tim admitted that … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Adaptations, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh, Lancing, Lectures, Scoop, Sword of Honour | Tagged , | Comments Off on Waugh Lecture at Lancing

Upcoming Lectures: Lancing, Leicester and Langport

Several lectures have been announced that may be of interest to our readers in the UK: —Lancing College has announced this year’s Evelyn Waugh lecturer: The Evelyn Waugh Lecture was started in 2008 as a means of thanking all members … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Lancing, Lectures, Newspapers, Put Out More Flags | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Upcoming Lectures: Lancing, Leicester and Langport

Battle of the Oxfords

The regional UK paper Frome Times has announced an upcoming event that may be of interest to our readers: Lutyens’ Mells Park is the venue for a hot debate on Who Was Shakespeare? between biographer and critic Alexander Waugh, grandson … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Edmund Campion, Evelyn Waugh Society, Events, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Television | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Battle of the Oxfords

TLS Reviews Early CWEW Volumes

In the latest issue of TLS, Paula Byrne reviews the first five volumes of the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh. These were published over several months late last year and early this. Byrne is the author, inter alia, of what … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Newspapers, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , | Comments Off on TLS Reviews Early CWEW Volumes

Visits with V S Naipaul

Two recent stories following the death of V S Naipaul have Waugh connections. Most prominent are the reflections by Alexander Waugh of his several meetings with Naipaul dating back to his childhood when Sir Vidia came to visit his father. … Continue reading

Posted in Alexander Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh, Interviews, Newspapers | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Visits with V S Naipaul

Waugh Plaque Unveiled

The Oxford Mail in a follow-up to its previous story, reports on the unveiling ceremony for the Evelyn Waugh Blue Plaque and the dinner that took place yesterday at the Abingdon Arms: Speaking at the ceremony, organised by Beckley and … Continue reading

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Oxford Mail Reports Pub Feast a Sell Out

The Oxford Mail reports that the feast following this evening’s unveiling of the memorial plaque to Evelyn Waugh at the Abingdon Arms in Beckley is a sell out. No tickets or reservations are needed fot the 630pm ceremony at which … Continue reading

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Abingdon Arms Announces Waugh Plaque Unveiling

The Abingdon Arms in Beckley, Oxon., has announced the details of its plans for the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the association of Evelyn Waugh with their premises. See previous posts. Here is the message from the organizer of the … Continue reading

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