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Tag Archives: The American Conservative
Evelyn Waugh at the National Trust, Edinburgh Festival and Houston,TX
Evelyn Waugh is appearing all over the place in today’s media reports: In the internet newspaper iNews, there is a story about problems being rained upon the National Trust, one of Britain’s once most beloved institutions. The Trust are the stewards of … Continue reading
Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh, Festivals, Letters, Newspapers
Tagged Al Murray, Edinburgh Festival, Houston TX, iNews, Letters Live, National Trust, The American Conservative, Waugh Drive Bridge
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Waugh and Solitude
In an article on the weblog PanAm Post, Alejandro Jenkins declares the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez to be overrated. One reason for this is the underdeveloped characters: The idea behind Hundred Years of Solitude (to create a saga-esque … Continue reading
Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Conferences, Decline and Fall, Newspapers
Tagged Castle Howard, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Natalia Sanmartin Fennolera, PanAm Post, The American Conservative, Yorkshire Post
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Cousin Jasper’s Advice
Rosamund Urwin in the Evening Standard has written an article about degree results. She opens with this: In Evelyn Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited, the protagonist Charles Ryder receives advice from his cousin Jasper before starting his Oxford degree. “You want a … Continue reading
Posted in Academia, Biographies, Books about Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Oxford, Scoop
Tagged Diana Cooper, Evening Standard, Literary Hub, Lord Speaker, The American Conservative
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Guy Crouchback Inspiration for U.S. Conservatives
The current issue of The American Conservative magazine carries an article about the leaders of the post war conservative revival in the U.S. This is on the occasion of the publication of a book about one of them–Russell Kirk:American Conservative by … Continue reading
Posted in Men at Arms, Sword of Honour, World War II
Tagged Russell Kirk, The American Conservative
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