Category Archives: Lectures

Brideshead Serial Lecture Available Online

The audio version of the lecture delivered last Friday to the British Studies seminar at the University of Texas is now available online. See previous post. It can be accessed at this link.

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Lost Girls (More)

Waugh biographer Paula Byrne has reviewed DJ Taylor’s new book Lost Girls: Love, War and Literature 1939-1951. This appears in today’s Times newspaper. Byrne stresses that the book is as much or more about Cyril Connolly as it is about … Continue reading

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William Boyd’s A to Z of Evelyn Waugh

Lancing College has posted a report of the talk at the college’s annual Evelyn Waugh Lecture given last month by novelist William Boyd. Here’s Lancing’s description of the event: William Boyd, the master story teller, novelist and screenwriter delighted his … Continue reading

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Waugh News from Oxford

Oxford University has issued two announcements relating to Old Oxonian Evelyn Waugh. The first is from the Ashmolean Museum which has scheduled a lecture in its After Hours talk series. This is entitled “Beyond Brideshead: Queer Oxford, 1919-1945” and will … Continue reading

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William Boyd to Lecture on Waugh

Lancing College has issued the formal announcement and details of its annual Evelyn Waugh Lecture that was mentioned in an earlier post: We are delighted to welcome William Boyd, author and screenwriter to Lancing for the first time to give … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Lancing, Lectures, Scoop, Sword of Honour | Tagged | Comments Off on William Boyd to Lecture on Waugh

Waugh’s Ash Wednesday in New Orleans

Blogger Amy Welborn, a free-lance writer of books on religious subjects, posted an interesting article yesterday (Ash Wednesday) about Evelyn Waugh’s trips to America in the 1940s. This is on her weblog “Charlotte was Both.” It begins with a quote … Continue reading

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Lecture on Tom Burns at LSE

LSE has announced a lecture next Thursday (21 February) on the subject of Tom Burns’ WWII espionage career in Spain. His connection with Evelyn Waugh is mentioned in the announcement: In 1940, Tom Burns, a young British Catholic publisher and friend … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Edmund Campion, Lectures, London, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , | Comments Off on Lecture on Tom Burns at LSE

Martin Stannard Lecture at Durham University Next Month (More)

Durham University has posted more details about Martin Stannard’s lecture next month. The topic is Waugh’s visits to the USA in the late 1940s. Here’s a description from the Durham University website: About the lecture By 1947, the year of … Continue reading

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Waugh Lecture at Lancing

The Lancing College website has posted a report of last month’s Evelyn Waugh Lecture. This year’s speaker was OL Sir Tim Rice (1958-62) who recalled how events at Lancing had helped shape his career as a lyricist: Tim admitted that … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Adaptations, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh, Lancing, Lectures, Scoop, Sword of Honour | Tagged , | Comments Off on Waugh Lecture at Lancing

Waugh in Italy

Milena Borden has kindly sent along this report of the recent Waugh seminar in Milan: On 17 November, at the British Council in Milan, a seminar “A Waugh Fest” took place. It was sponsored by BookCity, Milan University and the … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Complete Works, Decline and Fall, Evelyn Waugh, Labels, Lectures, Manuscripts, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Waugh in Italy