Category Archives: Lectures

Martin Stannard to Lecture at Durham

Durham University has announced that Martin Stannard, Evelyn Waugh’s biographer and co-executive editor of the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh, will lecture there early next year. His topic will be “Evelyn Waugh, America and Catholicism”. This will probably touch on … Continue reading

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Paula Byrne to Lecture at the NPG

The Jane Austen’s House Museum has announced a lecture that may be of interest to our readers. This is the  T Edward Carpenter Memorial Lecture: “Jane Austen and the English Comic Tradition” by Dr Paula Byrne at the National Portrait … Continue reading

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Upcoming Lectures: Lancing, Leicester and Langport

Several lectures have been announced that may be of interest to our readers in the UK: —Lancing College has announced this year’s Evelyn Waugh lecturer: The Evelyn Waugh Lecture was started in 2008 as a means of thanking all members … Continue reading

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Wodehouse Exhibit at British Library

The British Library will host an exhibit entitled P G Wodehouse: The Man and His Work. This will open on 27 November 2018. According to a related posting on the website Plumtopia, the exhibit will include materials from the Wodehouse … Continue reading

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Mid-Month Roundup: Schoolroom Confusion

Our latest roundup starts with references to Waugh’s school days and ends with the 1970s Penguin reprints: —The Independent newspaper has published a list of what it considers the Top 10 examples of celebrities overlapping at the same school. Private … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Art, Photography & Sculpture, Bibliophilia, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Heath Mount, Lectures, Newspapers, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Roundup: Orphans and Entrecote

This week’s roundup relates mostly to books and book reviews: –In reviewing the book Orphans: A History by Jeremy Seabrook in The Spectator, novelist Philip Hensher considers several eaxmples of how orphans have been treated in literature by various authors, … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Lectures, Love Among The Ruins, Newspapers, Put Out More Flags, Waugh Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Evelyn Waugh at the Hay Festival

An article in Vanity Fair describes an event at this year’s Literary Festival in Hay-on-Wye that featured a reading from a work of Evelyn Waugh. So far as appeared from the schedule, there were no events in which a Waugh … Continue reading

Posted in Alexander Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Festivals, Lectures, Letters, Newspapers, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Naomi Milthorpe on Waugh

Naomi Milthorpe, author of Evelyn Waugh’s Satire (now available as an ebook as well as hardback), will appear later this week at the University of Tasmania’s Humanities Showcase. Her topics will be archives, literary objects and Evelyn Waugh. Also on the program … Continue reading

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Roundup: From Ocean Liners to The Fiddlers Elbow

The V&A is running an exhibit on Ocean Liners, which remains open until 17 June. Rosemary Hill has written an article about it in the London Review of Books. She discusses the history of luxury liners back to the prewar … Continue reading

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Brideshead Actress Dies in France

Actress Stéphane Audran who played Cara in the 1981 Granada TV production of Brideshead Revisited has died in France at the age of 85. She was married at one time to new wave film director Claude Chabrol and at another, … Continue reading

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