Category Archives: Lectures

At Hertford College with ‘Waugh’s Enemies’ and Friends

The following account was written by Milena Borden who attended the lecture in Oxford earlier this week. Many thanks to Milena for her report: The title of the Monday afternoon discussion in the Dining Hall of Hertford College was as … Continue reading

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Waugh and his Enemies: Hugh Trevor-Roper

In advance of the lecture (“Waugh’s Enemies”) scheduled for next Monday, 25 September at Hertford College, Oxford, the University of Leicester has posted a brief article about what will surely be one of the topics. This is by Milena Borden … Continue reading

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Lecture at Hertford College Announced

A lecture on the subject of “Waugh’s Enemies” has been announced for Mo, 25 September at Hertford College, Oxford: Cecil Beaton, Randolph Churchill, the BBC …. English writer Evelyn Waugh was not short of enemies. He was infamous for both … Continue reading

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Powell Lecture to be Given by Alexander Waugh

The annual lecture of the Anthony Powell Society will be given this December by Alexander Waugh at the Travellers Club in Pall Mall, London. Here’s a copy of the AP Society’s announcement: Anthony Powell Lecture Wavian Reactions to Anthony Powell to be … Continue reading

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London Lecture on Waugh’s Artwork

A lecture by Waugh scholar Rebecca Moore has been announced by London booksellers Maggs Brothers. This will take place in their 48 Bedford Square premises on Tuesday, 25 July at 630-8pm. The store, in new premises, is also sponsoring an … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Art, Photography & Sculpture, First Editions, Lectures, London, Short Stories | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Waugh and the Q & A

Humorist Craig Brown writing in the Daily Mail makes a case for the elimination of the Q&A following any vocal presentation by an author. He is particularly bothered by the typical literary festival as a waste of time. In the article, … Continue reading

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Oxford to Host Waugh Exhibit and Lecture

Oxford University has announced an exhibit to be mounted by the Bodleian Library and the Complete Works of Waugh. The theme will be Waugh’s career in Oxford and will be entitled “City of Acquatint.” It will he held in the Weston … Continue reading

Posted in A Little Learning, Academia, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh, Events, Lectures, Oxford | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Audio Recordings of Waugh Conference Presentations Available Online

Audio recordings of the presentations made at the two-day conference on Evelyn Waugh at the Huntington Library in Pasadena earlier this month are now available online. There are 15 recordings in all and they are available at this link. The conference … Continue reading

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Decline and Fall and Some Others

Harry Mount writing in the Catholic Herald offers these additional thoughts about the BBC’s production: The new BBC One version of Decline and Fall was pretty good – but it could only fall short of the book. The genius of … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Adaptations, Decline and Fall, Lectures, Newspapers, Scoop, Television, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Brideshead Lecture Online

Fr Robert Lauder, priest in the Diocese of Brooklyn who teaches literature at St John’s University, has given a lecture on Brideshead Revisited that is now available online. Click here. The lecture is part of a series on the Catholic Novel … Continue reading

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