Category Archives: Academia

Campion Lecture in Oxford Announced

Campion Hall, Oxford has announced a public lecture in September that may be of interest to our readers: Professor Gerard Kilroy, Senior Fellow in English at Campion Hall, will be delivering a public lecture to celebrate the 400th anniversary of … Continue reading

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Complete Works Featured in TLS

A review of the four latest volumes in the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh series is featured on the cover of this week’s TLS. This is written by literary critic Peter Parker and entitled “A Handful of Books: Evelyn Waugh’s … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Academia, Complete Works, Edmund Campion, Robbery Under Law, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Complete Works Featured in TLS

Rossetti Reviewed

Waugh Society member Milena Borden has kindly prepared the following review of the Dante Gabriel Rossetti exhibit currently running at the Tate Britain museum. This was mentioned in previous postings. The review is entitled “What Is Wrong with Rossetti?”: The … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Art, Photography & Sculpture, PRB, Rossetti: His Life and Works | Tagged , | Comments Off on Rossetti Reviewed

Sherborne School Posts Record of Waugh’s Wartime Residence

The Sherborne School and the Old Shirburnian Society have posted a detailed and annotated account of Waugh’s six month residence at the school while stationed there in the Army: 5 October 1942-12 April 1943. This was a little over a … Continue reading

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Pinfold Article Available

The previously mentioned article on Waugh’s novel The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold by Dr Barbara Cooke has now been published and posted on the internet. See previous post and abstract. It is now available to download at this link. Here’s an … Continue reading

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Academic Article on Waugh’s Book Collection

The University of Southern California has posted an illustrated copy of Naomi Milthorpe’s 2016 article “A Secret House: Evelyn Waugh’s Book Collection”. Naomi teaches at the University of Tasmania and is a longtime member of the Evelyn Waugh Society. This … Continue reading

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Pre-Raphaelite Exhibit at the Tate Britain (More)

An article in The Times reviews the upcoming exhibit of the Rossettis. (See previous post.) This is by Laura Freeman who cites Waugh’s earliest published work. Here’s excerpt from the beginning paragraphs: …I’m not alone in my pre-Raphaelite prejudice. Evelyn … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Art, Photography & Sculpture, Rossetti: His Life and Works | Comments Off on Pre-Raphaelite Exhibit at the Tate Britain (More)

April Fool’s Day Roundup

–The academic journal Shakespeare has announced the acceptance for publication of an article by Barbara Cooke entitled “Waugh’s green world: Reconceptualising The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold as a transcoded production of King Lear”. Dr Cooke is co-executive editor of the … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Biographies, Newspapers, Scoop, Short Stories, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on April Fool’s Day Roundup

Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

–Tate Britain has mounted a major exhibit of Pre-Raphaelite painting of and by Elizabeth Siddal. This is described in an article by Iona McLaren in the Daily Telegraph: For modern readers, accustomed to the legend of Siddal as the “meek, unconscious dove” … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Newspapers, Ninety-Two Days, Rossetti: His Life and Works, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

Roundup: Country Houses and Leisurely Lunches

–An essay entitled “‘The Ancient Lore’ of Brideshead Revisited” written by Ianto Fox has been posted on the internet. Here’s an excerpt from the author’s description of its content: Nearly all commentary on Brideshead over the years has focused on the … Continue reading

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