Category Archives: Evelyn Waugh Society

Another Inez Holden Reprint

The Herald (Glasgow) has a review of another reprint of a book by Waugh’s early literary friend Inez Holden. This is entitled There’s No Story There (1944) and is reviewed by Malcolm Forbes. Here are the opening paragraphs: Inez Holden … Continue reading

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Waugh-Themed Academic Papers

–On Tuesday, 20 April 2021, Yuexi Liu, Assistant Professor of English at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University will make a presentation on the subject: “Narrating Difficult Histories: (Inter)Wartime Border Crossing in Hemingway, Waugh, and Isherwood.”  Here’s a summary from the notice: The … Continue reading

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Brideshead Festival May Not Happen

The Yorkshire Post has published a story by David Behrens in which it reports that the festival scheduled last year to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Brideshead Revisited’s publication may never happen. This is largely based on an interview with … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Festivals, Newspapers, Television | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Brideshead Festival May Not Happen

Travel Book Launch

The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project last week conducted a virtual book launch for the next two books to be published in the series: Ninety-Two Days and A Tourist in Africa. The meeting was conducted by Barbara Cooke, a … Continue reading

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Profile in Hatred: Evelyn Waugh and Robert Byron

Biographer and literary critic Jeffrey Meyers has written a biographical profile of travel writer Robert Byron, with particular reference to the mutual hate – love – hate relationship between Byron and Evelyn Waugh. This appears in the online journal The … Continue reading

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Pinfold’s Voices

Yuexi Liu has written an essay on Waugh’s 1957 novel The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. This is included in the latest issue of Modernist Cultures (No. 15/2, 2020) published by the Edinburgh University Press. Here is the abstract: Waugh’s last … Continue reading

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Helena Book Launch

A virtual book launch was convened yesterday for the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh edition of his novel Helena. The executive editors of CWEW both participated, with Barbara Cooke introducing and presiding over the proceedings and Martin Stannard providing an … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Alexander Waugh, Complete Works, Discussions, Evelyn Waugh Society, Helena | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Helena Book Launch

A Biography and A Portrait

–Waugh scholar and EW Society member Ann Pasternak Slater has written a new book relating to a writer Waugh admired but knew only slightly. This is a biography of T S Eliot’s wife Vivien. The book is reviewed by Brian … Continue reading

Posted in Biographies, Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh Society, Newspapers, Portraits | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Virtual Book Launch for Helena

The Oxford University Press and Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project have announced a virtual book launch for the publication of Helena. The book (volume 11 of the Complete Works) will be published next month in the UK, with North … Continue reading

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“92 Days” Complete Works Edition Announced

The Oxford University Press has announced the UK publication date for its definitive edition of Waugh’s 1934 travel book Ninety-Two Days. This will appear in the UK on 25 February 2021, the same UK publication date as the previously-announced A … Continue reading

Posted in A Tourist in Africa, Academia, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh Society, Ninety-Two Days, Oxford | Tagged , | 2 Comments