Category Archives: Evelyn Waugh Society

New Academic Studies (Updated)

–The article based on a previously mentioned lecture has now been published and posted on the internet. This is entitled “Narrating Difficult Histories: Interwar Border Crossing in Evelyn Waugh’s Vile Bodies (1930) and Christopher Isherwood’s Down There on a Visit … Continue reading

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Thomas F. Staley R.I.P. (1935-2022)

Tom Staley and Evelyn Waugh: A Reminiscence Richard Oram Not many heads of special collections are profiled in the New Yorker. The only two who come to mind are Lola Szladits, the spitfire director of the Berg Collection at the … Continue reading

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“Waugh on Russia Revisited” by Milena Borden

Waugh Society member Milena Borden has kindly sent the following short essay on Waugh’s attitude toward Soviet Russia as reflected in his novel Sword of Honour. She started it some time ago but has found it has now become relevant … Continue reading

Posted in Evelyn Waugh Society, Sword of Honour, World War II | Tagged | 1 Comment

Waugh in Translation

Adelphi Edizioni, an Italian publishing company, has announced the publication of an Italian translation of Waugh’s 1952 book The Holy Places. This was previously issued as a separate book by Ian Fleming’s Queen Ann Press in identical UK and US … Continue reading

Posted in Bibliophilia, Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Labels, The Holy Places, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Waugh in Translation

MLK Birthday Roundup

–In the Daily Telegraph, combining elements of the travel and gardening columns, Matt Collins describes a recent trip to the Atlantic island of Madeira: Upholding at least six of writer Paul Theroux’s 10 golden rules of travel, I went alone … Continue reading

Posted in Essays, Articles & Reviews, Evelyn Waugh Society, Newspapers, Scoop, The Loved One, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on MLK Birthday Roundup

The Times Revisits Castle Howard

Today’s issue of The Times carries an article by Andrew Billen (“Stately homes to spare? TV stardom beckons”) recommending country houses to visit, once they are reopened to the public, based on their setting for TV series and films. This … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Newspapers, Television | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on The Times Revisits Castle Howard

Evelyn Waugh Studies 52.2 (Fall 2021)

The latest issue of the Society’s journal, Evelyn Waugh Studies, has been distributed to the membership. This is issue Ne. 52.2 (Fall 2021). A slightly edited summary  by the Society’s Secretary, Jamie Collinson, that accompanied the distribution, is set forth … Continue reading

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Evelyn Waugh Studies 52.1 (Spring 2021)

The latest issue of the Evelyn Waugh Studies has been published and distributed to members. This is issue No. 52.1 (Spring 2021). The contents and opening paragraphs are as follows: ARTICLES Evelyn Waugh: A Housemaster’s Report Jeremy Tomlinson Evelyn Waugh … Continue reading

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Auberon Herbert: Defender of Eastern Europe (1922-1974)

Waugh Society member Milena Borden has written a commemorative article about Auberon Herbert, brother-in-law of Evelyn Waugh. He died on this date in 1974 and the centenary of his birth on 25 April 1922 will be marked next year. The … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Sword of Honour, Waugh Family, World War II | Tagged , | Comments Off on Auberon Herbert: Defender of Eastern Europe (1922-1974)

Latest Issues of Evelyn Waugh Studies Posted

The latest issues of the society’s journal Evelyn Waugh Studies have been posted on the website: EWS No. 51.2 (Fall 2020) and EWS 51.1 (Spring 2020). These have been delayed and are somewhat reduced in content due the coronavirus pandemic. … Continue reading

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