Tag Archives: Anthony Powell

Two Views of a Turning Point

Perry Anderson in the second half of his long essay on Anthony Powell in the London Review of Books mentions Evelyn Waugh several times. Most notable is his comparison of the reaction of Powell’s narrator in Dance to the Music of … Continue reading

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Score Settling Time

In the 12 July 2018 issue of the New York Review of Books, Max Hastings, former editor of the Daily Telegraph, reviews Hilary Spurling’s biography of Anthony Powell. This is not scheduled to be published in the USA until the … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Anthonys

The current issue of the London Review of Books has an essay by Prof Perry Anderson on Anthony Powell.  This considers the recent biography of Powell by Hilary Spurling and morphs into a longer critical consideration of Powell’s works. It is … Continue reading

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Latest EW Studies Features New Views of Brideshead

The latest issue of the Society’s journal Evelyn Waugh Studies has been published (Number 48.3, Winter 2017). The lead article, Brideshead Rearranged: Charm, Grace, and Waugh’s Building of Worlds, by Grazie Sophia Christie, is the winner of the 2017 John … Continue reading

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Waugh and Anthony Powell (More)

Waugh’s influence is prominently mentioned in a review in this week’s Die Tagespost, a German language paper sponsored by the Roman Catholic church. The review is by Urs Buhlmann and the book is Powell’s novel The Soldier’s Art which has been … Continue reading

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Auberon Waugh and Anthony Powell

This week’s edition of The Spectator carries a story by Nicholas Shakespeare about his involvement in the 1990 dispute between Auberon Waugh and Anthony Powell over Auberon’s negative review of Powell’s collected literary journalism (Miscellaneous Verdicts) in the Sunday Telegraph. … Continue reading

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BBC Radio 4 Features Anthony Powell Biography

Hilary Spurling’s new biography of Anthony Powell, novelist and contemporary of Evelyn Waugh (see previous posts), recently featured as the Book of the Week on BBC Radio 4. It can be accessed worldwide on BBC iPlayer, and all of the … Continue reading

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Anthony Powell Biography (More)

The new biography of Anthony Powell by Hilary Spurling has been widely reviewed in the British press and several additional reviews have cited Evelyn Waugh’s friendship with Powell. Nicholas Shakespeare, writer and director of the BBC Arena documentary “The Waugh … Continue reading

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Three Generations of Waughs in The Oldie

Various Waughs (and their associates) are scattered throughout the pages of this month’s issue of The Oldie. The leading feature article by Alan Thomas is about the Bright Young People and opens with a reference to Waugh’s novel Vile Bodies: … Continue reading

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New Edward St Aubyn Novel Published

A new novel by  Edward St Aubyn (well known in this parish) has been published in both the UK and USA. This is Dunbar and is a reimagining of Macbeth in the Hogarth Shakespeare series. This involves leading writers such … Continue reading

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