Category Archives: Brideshead Revisited

New Years Roundup

–The website has posted a review of the Folio Society editions of Black Mischief of which there have been three. Here’s the text: [Black Mischief] is a quite politically incorrect farce set in 1930 in the mythical country of … Continue reading

Posted in Bibliophilia, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Internet, Newspapers, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on New Years Roundup

Christmas 2023 Roundup

–An article posted by the Duke University Center for the Study of the Public Domain has announced that beginning in January 2024, some books written by Evelyn Waugh will be out of copyright protection in the United States. Here’s an … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Letters, Newspapers, Rossetti: His Life and Works | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Christmas 2023 Roundup

Pre-Christmas Roundup

–The British Film Institute (BFI) has posted a copy of Evelyn Waugh’s 1924 silent film production The Scarlet Woman. I think the film was more a creation of Waugh’s Oxford friend Terrence Greenidge than Waugh himself, although Waugh seems to … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Film, Internet, Love Among The Ruins, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Pre-Christmas Roundup

Roundup: Kitsch, Photos and a War

–Last week, a group of Waugh scholars convened by to listen to and discuss a talk by Professor Taichi Koyama on the subject Waugh and Kitsch. Here’s a description of Prof. Koyama’s presentation: Evelyn Waugh’s novels, from the earlier … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited, Photographs, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Kitsch, Photos and a War

Thanksgiving Roundup

–James Marriott writing in The Times offers some thoughts on the new film Saltburn (mentioned in several previous posts). Here’s an excerpt: …With the complacency characteristic of her class, Fennell [writer/director of film] never pauses to reflect that a person … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Letters, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Roundup

Roundup: a Film, a Warrior and a Hoax

—The Conversation has posted an article by literary scholar Christine Berberich, who teaches at the University of Portsmouth and is well known to members of the society through her writings and participation in its events. This latest essay explains the … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: a Film, a Warrior and a Hoax

Roundup: Rereading Black Mischief

–A recent column of The Times “Rereading” series contains a brief essay on Waugh’s 1932 comic novel Black Mischief. The column, published in today’s edition, is by Will Lloyd. Here’s the opening: One afternoon in the absurdly early Thirties, Evelyn … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Remote People, Sword of Honour, Television, World War II | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Rereading Black Mischief

Roundup: A Major Auction and News from the Antipodes

–Auction house Bonham’s has scheduled the sale of several of Waugh’s books. These were presentation copies to F B Walker who worked at Chapman & Hall in the period of their publication. Bonham’s describes the importance of Walker to Waugh … Continue reading

Posted in Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, First Editions, Interviews, Newspapers, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: A Major Auction and News from the Antipodes

Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

–An interview of Alexander Waugh by writer James Delingpole has been posted on the internet. It is listed as “Delingpod #359” and is available from this link. It was recorded on 1 October 2023. Although the website suggests that a … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Alexander Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Newspapers, Oxford, Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

Roundup: Anniversaries, Flemings and Nature Writing

–A feature length article in the religious journal Crisis Magazine marks the anniversary of Waugh’s conversion to Roman Catholicism on 29 September 1930. This is written by S A McCarthy and entitled “The Curmudgeonly Catholic: Three Life Lessons from Evelyn … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Ninety-Two Days, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Anniversaries, Flemings and Nature Writing