Category Archives: The Loved One

Easter Roundup

–Drinks website The Master of Malt has posted a story tracing the history of Cognac. Here’s a contribution from Waugh: …According to Boswell, Samuel Johnson said: “claret is the liquor for boys; port, for men; but he who aspires to … Continue reading

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‘The Loved One’ Remembered

The New Criterion magazine has posted an essay on the writing, publication and history of Waugh’s 1948 novel The Loved One.  This is by John P Rossi who is Professor Emeritus of History at La Salle University in Philadelphia. While … Continue reading

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Daylight Savings (USA) Roundup

–Duncan McLaren has posted on his weblog a discussion regarding Graham Greene’s possible portrayal of Waugh in his 1940s novel The Heart of the Matter. He was a composite part of the character based primarily on some one Greene had … Continue reading

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–Novelist and biographer A N Wilson has published a detailed review of John Betjeman’s recently rebroadcast program Metroland. This appears in a recent issue of the Daily Mail. The BBC rebroadcast was mentioned in the previous Roundup. Wilson who was … Continue reading

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75th Anniversary of The Loved One

The Loved One appeared in print 75 years ago this month in the pages of Cyril Connolly’s  magazine Horizon. Waugh had begun writing it on 21 May 1947 shortly after his return to England from Los Angeles.  He finished a … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Newspapers, Scott-King's Modern Europe, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on 75th Anniversary of The Loved One

Valentine’s Day Roundup

–David Mills writing in The Times takes another look at the novels of post-Waugh English satirist Simon Raven. He considers the 1969 novel The Rich Pay Late, the first of 10 in Ravens’s Alms for Oblivion series: …Raven is astoundingly … Continue reading

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–Duncan McLaren sent over an interesting exchange relating to Waugh’s possible use of Peter Quennell as a model for characters in his novels. His an excerpt from the email that started it: Dear Mr McLaren, I am a reader of … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Film, Newspapers, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup

New Year’s Roundup

–Discussions of Waugh’s taste in clothing have appeared in two recent blogs. One relates to tweed suits, something Waugh obviously admired and inadvertently promoted. Here is an excerpt from the “Grey Fox” website: The Italian word ‘sprezzatura’ perfectly describes that … Continue reading

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Roundup: Books Listed, Reviewed and Revisited

–The Daily Telegraph has a review of the new book by David Fleming entitled Hellfire: Evelyn Waugh and the Hypocrites Club. This was published in the UK last month as noted in a recent post. The review is by Nikhil … Continue reading

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Columbus Day Roundup: Cricket, Latin and Name Extinction

–In what is perhaps this week’s most interesting story, the Independent newspaper has posted a history of the Hollywood Cricket Club. This is by Leonie Cooper and describes in some detail the club’s founding, growth and membership. Evelyn Waugh makes … Continue reading

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