Category Archives: Robbery Under Law

Mexico Revisited: Waugh, Greene and Theroux

Travel writer and novelist Paul Theroux recently published a travel book about an automobile trip to Mexico. This is entitled On the Plain of Snakes and is reviewed in the digital academic magazine by Ignacio Sanchez-Prado, professor of Latin American … Continue reading

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Pre-Thanksgiving Roundup

–Writing in the Guardian, columnist Marina Hyde looks at the recent debacle arising from Prince Andrew’s BBC Newsnight interview. Her story is entitled “How badly must you do your job for your own mother to fire you?” After several comparisons, … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Robbery Under Law, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, When the Going Was Good | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Pre-Thanksgiving Roundup

Halloween Roundup

–The London Review of Books in its latest issue has published an article by Rosemary Hill on the life and career of Auberon Waugh. This is entitled “Woof, woof” and includes a description of Auberon’s life from the time he … Continue reading

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Waugh’s Birthday Roundup

Evelyn Waugh was born on this date in 1903. This is the 116th anniversary of that event. –The Oxford English Dictionary has declared today’s Word of the Day to be “Brideshead, adj.” While they do not mention the birthday anniversary … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Anniversaries, Books about Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Interviews, Newspapers, Robbery Under Law | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Waugh’s Birthday Roundup

80th Anniversary of Robbery Under Law

This year marks the 80th anniversary of EvelynWaugh’s book, Robbery Under Law: The Mexican Object Lesson. This was published in the UK in June 1939 and an American edition followed in September under the title Mexico: An Object Lesson.  The … Continue reading

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Edmund Campion, Father Pro and Brideshead Revsited

Gerard Kilroy has written an interesting essay appearing this week in the Tablet. Prof Kilroy is the co-editor of the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh volume of Waugh’s biography of Edmund Campion. The essay begins with a discussion of Campion’s … Continue reading

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Cinco de Mayo Roundup

Today is Cinco de Mayo which celebrates the victory of Mexico over the French Empire in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. The Mexicans lost to the French about a year later but still mark this victory of their smaller … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Auberon Waugh, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Robbery Under Law, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cinco de Mayo Roundup

Mexican View of ‘Robbery Under Law’

The Mexican newspaper El Universal has published a short essay on Waugh’s 1939 book Robbery Under Law. This is written by author and university administrator Ángel Gilberto Adame who has also written biographies of Spanish-language writers such as Octavio Paz. The … Continue reading

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Prize-Winning Essay About “Robbery Under Law”

A review has appeared in the Mexican newspaper Milenio about an essay relating to Waugh’s 1939 book Robbery Under Law. The essay is written in Spanish by Armando González Torres and is entitled “¡País de ladrones! Evelyn Waugh y México” … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Roundup

–Author William Giraldi contributed an essay to Commonweal magazine as part of a series in which Roman Catholic intellectuals explain why they have left or remained in the church. A Catholic from birth, his article was posted on the magazine’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Edmund Campion, Evelyn Waugh, Letters, Newspapers, Robbery Under Law, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Roundup