Tag Archives: Daily Mail

Labo(u)r Day Roundup

–Christopher Buckley writing in the Wall Street Journal has identified what he considers to be the five best literary breakdowns. Waugh’s Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold is one of his selections: Evelyn Waugh called this, his next-to-last novel, his “mad book,” … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Television Programs, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Labo(u)r Day Roundup

Flag Day Roundup

–Author Irvine Welsh (best known for his novel Trainspotting) was interviewed in advance of an appearance at the Beyond the Pale Festival at Wicklow, Ireland, 10-12 June. This appeared in the Irish Examiner. Here’s an excerpt: I’ve always admired writers … Continue reading

Posted in Books about Evelyn Waugh, Decline and Fall, First Editions, Items for Sale, Newspapers, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Flag Day Roundup

May Day Roundup

–The second part of Alexander Larman’s centenary recognition of Kingsley Amis has appeared in this month’s regular issue of The Critic. See previous post. He starts with an amusing description of Amis’s somewhat ramshackle acceptance of his Booker Prize for … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Newspapers, Scoop, The Loved One, Vile Bodies, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on May Day Roundup

Roundup: Book List and Bullingdon

–Charles Moore writing in the Daily Telegraph has a story entitled “Not even the Queen’s Jubilee is safe from BBC preaching: There are good writers all across the Commonwealth, but Auntie insists on telling us that it knows best”. He … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Oxford, Unconditional Surrender/The End of the Battle | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Book List and Bullingdon

Middlemarch Roundup

–The Financial Times recently considered the revival of the sleeveless sweater–a/k/a tank top or V-neck: “As far as I know, the history of the tank top starts from the 1930s, where men would wear a V-neck slipover that was often … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Bibliophilia, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, When the Going Was Good | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Middlemarch Roundup

Roundup: From Party Going to Boredom

–A recent issue of Financial Times contains a “Weekend Essay” on the return of the party, to London and New York at least. This is by Alex Bilmes who is editor of Esquire. After reminiscing about how party going shut … Continue reading

Posted in Biographies, Edmund Campion, Newspapers, Vile Bodies, Work Suspended | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: From Party Going to Boredom

Armistice Day Roundup

–Perhaps in anticipation of today’s commemoration, this week’s Sunday Times reviewed a new book by Max Hastings. This is Soldiers: Great Stories of War and Peace. Here’s an excerpt from the review: The anthology opens with biblical warriors (Joshua at … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Letters, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Theater | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Armistice Day Roundup

Brideshead Floribundum

Waugh’s most popular book Brideshead Revisited seems to be getting a lot of attention lately. Much, but not all of this is directed to prior and projected film and TV adaptations: —The Spectator’s supplement Spectator Life several weeks ago posted … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Radio Programs | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Labo(u)r Day Roundup

–The Catholic Herald has an article by Ken Craycraft in which he reviews the recent biography of Graham Greene (The Unquiet Englishman by Richard Greene). Here is an excerpt: Critics and biographers are always looking for glimpses of Greene’s own … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Oxford, Wales | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Labo(u)r Day Roundup

“Bridey’s Bombshell” Queried

In his Daily Mail blog, Peter Hitchens wonders whether Evelyn Waugh got it wrong about the Roman Catholic view of marriage in Brideshead Revisited, at least as it has been applied to the recent marriage of twice-divorced Boris Johnson in … Continue reading

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