Category Archives: Vile Bodies

Arnold Bennett Revival ?

Simon Heffer writing in the Daily Telegraph reconsiders the career and reputation of Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), an early supporter of Evelyn Waugh. The article opens with this: Despite the literary achievement of Arnold Bennett, generations have now grown up unaware … Continue reading

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May Day Roundup

–The second part of Alexander Larman’s centenary recognition of Kingsley Amis has appeared in this month’s regular issue of The Critic. See previous post. He starts with an amusing description of Amis’s somewhat ramshackle acceptance of his Booker Prize for … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Newspapers, Scoop, The Loved One, Vile Bodies, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on May Day Roundup

New Academic Studies (Updated)

–The article based on a previously mentioned lecture has now been published and posted on the internet. This is entitled “Narrating Difficult Histories: Interwar Border Crossing in Evelyn Waugh’s Vile Bodies (1930) and Christopher Isherwood’s Down There on a Visit … Continue reading

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End of March Roundup

–Alexander Larman writing in The Spectator marks the 75th anniversary of Waugh’s 1947 trip to the USA with the article “Waugh in Hollywood”: …in early 1947, [Waugh] was forced to confront the modern world and do something out of keeping … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Short Stories, The Loved One, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on End of March Roundup

Partygate Roundup

–An article posted on the website The Conversation,com has attracted a lot of attention since it appeared last week. This is entitled “Partygate Revisited” and is written by Trinity College Dublin senior research scholar Orlaith Darling.  She begins with a … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Events, Newspapers, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Partygate Roundup

Academic Roundup: 2020-2021

The following articles and reviews have appeared in academic journals for the period 2020-21 (2019 in one case) and have not been previously posted. The summaries of articles come (except as noted) from an academic library search service and those … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Academia, Articles, Decline and Fall, Put Out More Flags, Vile Bodies | Tagged | Comments Off on Academic Roundup: 2020-2021

Midwinter Roundup

–Charles Moore writing in his miscellany column for The Spectator marks the upcoming 70th anniversary of the death of George VI: King George VI died in his sleep 70 years ago next week, after a day at Sandringham shooting hares … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Letters, Newspapers, Robbery Under Law, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Midwinter Roundup

MLK Birthday Roundup

–In the Daily Telegraph, combining elements of the travel and gardening columns, Matt Collins describes a recent trip to the Atlantic island of Madeira: Upholding at least six of writer Paul Theroux’s 10 golden rules of travel, I went alone … Continue reading

Posted in Essays, Articles & Reviews, Evelyn Waugh Society, Newspapers, Scoop, The Loved One, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on MLK Birthday Roundup

Terry Teachout (1956-2022) R.I.P

American literary, drama and music critic Terry Teachout died earlier this week at the age of 65. It its obituary, the New York Times commented that the conservative Teachout never allowed his political views to influence his artistic judgement: An … Continue reading

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Boxing Day Roundup

–Penguin have announced the issuance of a new edition of Waugh’s first book Rossetti: His Life and Work. This will be in the Penguin Modern Classics series and will be issued in the UK in April 2022. It will be … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Rossetti: His Life and Works, Scott-King's Modern Europe, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Boxing Day Roundup