Tag Archives: The Times

Roundup: a Painter, a Photographer and a Satirist

–This quote appears in a recent collection of essays entitled Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Politics of Definition edited by Prof G D Cohen of Rice University: In June 1945, the British diplomat and man of letters Harold Nicolson admitted that … Continue reading

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Memorial Day/Spring Bank Holiday Roundup

—The Spectator has posted a memorial tribute to its recently deceased columnist Jeremy Clarke. This is by David Goodhart who writes that he gave Clarke his start as a journalist. Clarke’s longest and best known gig was the Low-Life column … Continue reading

Posted in Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Obituaries, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, Waugh Family | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Memorial Day/Spring Bank Holiday Roundup

Coronation Roundup

–This week’s most widely reported event has to be the Coronation. A Spanish paper (Crónica Global) has made a story out of a widely-circulated cheer sent up at a recent football match by Glasgow Celtic fans. (My recollection is that … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Scoop, Waugh in Abyssinia | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Coronation Roundup

Elizabeth Jane Howard Centenary: b. 26 March 1923

The Oldie has published a remembrance by Mark McGinness of novelist Elizabeth Jane Howard’s centenary which occurs today. Here’s an excerpt: Elizabeth Jane Howard would have been 100 on 26 March. Her stepson, Martin Amis, paid tribute to her “penetrating … Continue reading

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Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

–Tate Britain has mounted a major exhibit of Pre-Raphaelite painting of and by Elizabeth Siddal. This is described in an article by Iona McLaren in the Daily Telegraph: For modern readers, accustomed to the legend of Siddal as the “meek, unconscious dove” … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Newspapers, Ninety-Two Days, Rossetti: His Life and Works, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

Early March Roundup

–Valerie Grove writing in The Times reviews BBC’s recent rerun of John Betjeman’s program Metroland which was originally broadcast 50 years ago (1973).  Grove had interviewed Betjeman about then when she must have been a cub reporter at the Evening … Continue reading

Posted in London, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Early March Roundup

Valentine’s Day Roundup

–David Mills writing in The Times takes another look at the novels of post-Waugh English satirist Simon Raven. He considers the 1969 novel The Rich Pay Late, the first of 10 in Ravens’s Alms for Oblivion series: …Raven is astoundingly … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Interviews, Newspapers, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Valentine’s Day Roundup

Christmas Roundup

–In The Times newspaper AN Wilson has written a seasonal essay entitled “How I stopped being a Christmas snob.” He begins with an explanation how he had become one: When a young man in my twenties, I devoured a biography … Continue reading

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Winter Solstice Roundup

–This letter appeared in a recent issue of The Times newspaper: DECLARATION OF WAUGH Sir, The late Duchess of Devonshire showed me a book given to her by the Roman Catholic Evelyn Waugh, having an inscription by him along the … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Piers Court, Remote People, Ronald Knox | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Winter Solstice Roundup

Roundup: Changing of the Guard

–The main story of the week is of course the fall of Boris Johnson. Veteran journalist Max Hastings writing in The Times brings a Waugh character into his assessment of Johnson’s career: Herein, I suggest, lay much of the extraordinary … Continue reading

Posted in A Little Learning, Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Items for Sale, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Changing of the Guard